At the current moment, this is the only manga for school boys that I'm looking forward to sale of the next volume of.
Hero = Sawamura from a small and weak local junior high school baseball club, where the girl member exists, goes to Seidou high school distinguished for baseball, and makes eleventh-hour efforts and aim for an ACE. It might be an orthodox composition in which a good old-fashioned school baseball manga smells somehow.
The author seems to be paying close attention to the drawing division of caratars. But except hero = Swamura, his rival Furuya and a "phenom" catcher Miyuki of their baceball partner, the attention doesn't go well so much. Especially, the unskilled of girl's drawing style is impressive.
I think this is a polite manga totally. But sometimes the statements that audience made seem to be out of line, I hesitate to assess this manga as high or low. The book editor, Please support him at working-out of details carefully.
Well, though there is a detailed fault, as symbolized by Hero = Sawamura's cheerful character, I like very much a bright air that this manga has. A cheerful part of the physical education association is drawn all over the stories. Although Sawamura is some "Dokonnjyou-syugi" that means guts and sweat-ist, surrounding persons around him sometimes stops it. The seniors and the supervisor induces him to light or reasonable practices or the rest some of the time. I think it is important at manga of presebt day.
The most classical "Dokonnjyou-syugi" manga, "Kyojin no Hoshi" has what kinds of its ending? It says "The hero = Hoshi is as expected ruins his body and has to leave the ball field". The author Kajiwara Ikki made responsible work at the ending of it. However, there are still a lot of "Dokonjyou" mangas without responsibility.
Because the author of this manga seem to be a baseball experienced person, he accurately tells and draws the baseball as a sport. For example, a genius players who have been injured and lost their way to first string, a fast ball pitcher who divides his fingernail by having neglected. The baseball play scenes have been made very exciting by autor's baseball experience. The maximum feature of this manga is beauty and reality of the play scene. It is really beautiful that pitching form of very fast ball pitcher = Furuya is! When I see his finish pose after throwing out, I think "Wow, his ball is exactlly fast". Sawamura's finish pose is also powerful. Terajima is the manga author who can the most beautifully draw the pitching form as long as I know.
And the portrayal of fast hit ball watched by outfielder is realistic. I think that it draws the appearance of baseball that cannot be never seen with the television screen well.
Cool "precision machine pitcher" = Yang Syunshing from Taiwan is taken an active part around latest publications. I laughed in the communication "After all, Yuming was the highest" and "What a radical pro-Japanese man!".